At a Loss With Your Hair Loss? Consider the Benefits of ARTAS®.

featuring expert:
dr. Robert M. Bernstein


The future of hair restoration has arrived…and it’s exceeding the expectations of patients across the world, but possibly no more so than the New York City office of Dr. Robert Bernstein.

You see, Dr. Bernstein is a pioneer of the ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System — the most-advanced technology for surgical hair restoration. Dr. Bernstein is one of the first surgeons to use this new FDA-approved technology for hair transplantation and has now performed hundreds of successful ARTAS® transformations.

We recently spoke with Dr. Bernstein to understand how the system works and why it is quickly becoming the preferred choice for individuals seeking to improve the look and feel of their hair.

Before revealing his insights on ARTAS®, however, Dr. Bernstein cautioned all individuals seeking any hair restoration surgery to work with only a board-certified physician. “There are a lot of doctors out there who can perform hair restoration surgery, but many of them don’t have the proper training and experience to successfully perform the procedure,” he explains. This is why Dr. Bernstein recommends seeking out only doctors who have been certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery.

But if ARTAS® uses a robotic system, why is it so important to choose a board-certified physician? Doesn’t the robot handle the surgery?

“The benefit of the ARTAS® robot,” Dr. Bernstein explains, “is that it automates two key steps in the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure: 1. follicular unit graft harvesting, and 2. recipient site creation. Still, it is the surgeon who programs the robot and makes the necessary adjustments during the procedure. Only a skilled doctor can create a realistic looking result.”


It is the doctor who plans the hairline, maps out the direction of the grafts, designs the peaks, and plots the feathering. The aesthetic plan is designed by the physician and programmed into the robot.


Said another way—it is the doctor who plans the hairline, maps out the direction of the grafts, designs the peaks, and plots the feathering. The aesthetic plan is designed by the physician and programmed into the robot.

But can’t FUE surgery still be performed manually? Of course, but there are significant benefits to using the ARTAS® system:

  • Increased accuracy—human error is virtually eliminated

  • Consistency—the robot doesn’t tire, so the quality of the last graft will be just as good as the first

  • Less time spent in surgery—less stress on the patient and the doctor

  • Faster recovery (compared to FUT/strip procedures)—patients are typically back to normal activities within 10 days

  • Improved results— due to the better accuracy and consistency of harvesting

“Plus, unlike older transplant methods, no stitches are required with ARTAS®,” Dr. Bernstein explains. “As a result, the harvested area is virtually undetectable. This has huge upside for patients who want to wear their hair shorter. There is no visible scar line across the back of the head, so patients have flexibility to wear any style hair they desire. And there is no worry that the scar will stretch.”

Although Dr. Bernstein performs hundreds of successful FUE surgeries each year, he is particularly fond of telling the story of one recent patient that powerfully showcases the benefits of the ARTAS® approach. The client was a 30-year-old male who was active in mixed martial arts. He was in good physical shape, but really bothered by his thinning hair. He tried finasteride but wasn’t completely satisfied with the results.

“When he came to me, I could tell he was really frustrated,” Dr. Bernstein explains. “For a long time, he thought finasteride was his only option because surgery would require a long recovery time and the harvesting method would leave a scar on the back of his head—one that might widen with the physical stress of his MMA.”

Not surprisingly, he fit the profile of the ideal ARTAS® patient who is typically younger—under 50 years old—and physically active. Dr. Bernstein summarizes, “ARTAS® just makes so much sense for these younger, more active people.”